Course curriculum

The course is updated frequently and new episodes are added.

  • 1

    The Underwater World: Marine Biology

    • Introduction | Welcome to the underwater world!

  • 2

    Phase 1: Under the water surface: basic concepts

    • Episode 1 | Energy and photosynthesis

    • Review Quiz | Episode 1: Energy and photosynthesis

    • Episode 2 | Ecology terms

    • Episode 2 | Additional materials

    • Review Quiz | Episode 2: Ecology terms

    • Episode 3 | Ready for exploration

    • Episode 3 | Additional material + research task

  • 3

    Phase 2: Exploration of the unknown: corals as organisms

    • Episode 4 | What is a polyp?

    • Episode 4 | Online assignment

    • Episode 5 | What other organisms contribute to building a coral reef?

    • Episode 6 | When and where can a coral reef grow?

  • 4

    Phase 3: The complex underwater world: ecosystems

    • Episode 7 | coral reef types: fringing

    • Episode 8 | coral reef types: barrier

    • Episode 9 | coral reef types: atoll

  • 5

    Ending our adventures...

    • Episode 10 | How to help save the coral reefs: final episode

    • Survey | Your feedback is valuable to us!

    • Thank you!